So hi!I am staying at home today,finally.Actually i am feeling extremely faint for some reasons.Let me share my nightmare,here goes.I was having a bloody lump in my throat which concludes it might be a sore throat and i had to go up and down almost 6 times to get warm water.I tried so hard to turn myself in which seems almost impossible the whole entire night.Yep so guess what i was even in time to see my brother off to school today.The main reason is definitely cause of vocal classes,it has been straining my voice a lot. I insist on having laksa for lunch and for some weird reasons I enjoy aggravating the pain in my throat.I am officially sick.
Okay the lastest season of American idol is seriously interesting,I meant solely the audition part.The irony contents are so hilarious god.
I have decided to save my recent pay for something not worth it but i am still buying it.I've always been using my money to buy in bulk but now things change.Things always change for me .(:
Its weird because I feel i should settle in and start reading a lot for some psycho reasons.There is this very strong urge for me to enter a Jc if i can make it.Well maybe if i stay on the lighter subjects it wouldnt be so bad for me...right?Since I am not exactly smart at all,i should probably aim for a mediocre college.I've such tough luck sometimes,seriously!!Just wait till i get back my results before i can convince my self that my luck will turn around someday.
I would desperately wanna achieve as much as i can in my life.Not cause of my future,but dad.
I could still vividly remember how disappointed he was when i got balls results for my PSLE.I wouldnt blame the fact that everyone around me are all geniuses,better workers or luck but sometimes things just dont work out the way we planned.I hate it especially when they compare me with the other kids because everyone are born with different talents and its just how we appreciate that.It has never made me any more motivated or even inferior sadly,I am still very clearly convinced that we shouldnt even be comparing in the first place.
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